Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Purchase Land in Mountain Home

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes has recently purchased 157 acres of prime commercial development land in Mountain Home, Idaho. According to the Fort Hall Business Council, no decision has yet been made on the use the land, but there is initial planning to determine the best economic use.
The Business Council stated there are several reasons why the land was bought, including: the location is within 30 minutes of our state capitol and a large population base, and the City of Mountain Home has an Opportunity Zone designation that makes further economic development opportunities available to the Tribes; and the Mountain Home Air Force Base is located in Mountain Home, which makes 8(a) contracting companies available. With any land purchase, an environmental site assessment was completed on the site to help determine the feasibility of construction prior to purchase of the land.
Chairman Ladd Edmo said, “We are pleased with the land purchase and we believe it is a wise economic investment. The property is closely located to the main exit and has good access from a main artery road in Mountain Home. We pursued this investment like any other investment we make as a Tribe, including bonds or stocks. Any economic gain from this long-term investment will be funneled into the operations of the Tribes, which benefits all Tribal members. This investment is a low risk investment with potential high returns.”