Mountain Home School Board holds monthly meeting
The Mountain Home School Board held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening, January 21st at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Eric Abrego; Vice-Chair Ralph Binion; Trustees: Connie Donahue, Frank Monasterio, and Christina Knox were all in attendance.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, Sharon Whitman, Clerk of the Board, administered the Trustee Oath of Office and trustees signed their code of ethics (a copy of both will be on file at the district office with the clerk).
Eric Abrego was elected Chairperson for 2020; Ralph Binion was declared Vice-Chairperson; Sharon Whitman was elected clerk; and Levy Vick was declared Deputy Clerk and Treasurer for 2020.
Good News for the month was given by Ralph Binion as he put on his Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) “hat.” He then explained the details of the two VFW essay contests and recognized Miya Ingram for her winning essay on the Voice of Democracy and Laura Sanchez for her winning essay for the Patriots Pen. He also recognized and thanked Julie Corder for being the coordinator. Mr. Binion, continuing in the role of VFW representative, awarded Matt Bundy as the VFW Teacher of the Year for Idaho and presented him with a VFW plaque and a check for $100.For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.