Willow Creek Campground to be Developed
At Friday's regular meeting, January 17, Steve Frost and Acting District Ranger, Shawn Robnett, from the Sawtooth National Forest - Fairfield Ranger District, asked for and received the Elmore County Commissioners' blessing in a grant application to Idaho State Parks and Recreation that would allow the development of Willow Creek Campground northeast of Featherville.
The plan would be to develop the existing three front campsites into sites for "today's RV's," Frost said. The plan may,also include vaulted outhouses and some sort of update or rearrangement of the Willow Creek Transfer Camp area at the trail head.
When the commissioners were asked about conservation and environmental issues that were impacting the area, both Chairman Al Hofer and Commissioner Wes Wooten made sarcastic remarks and mocked the ideas presented.
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