Publishers Pen

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I honestly do not know where 2019 went. It seems the more "mature" I become, the faster time seems to fly. Summer seemed to escape me completely. I am looking forward to the New Year and all it has for all of us. 2020 will be off and running today, Jan 1st, 2020, and I hope you have blessings and success in your future.
I wanted to end the year by thanking all of our subscribers and advertisers. As a small business in our wonderful community, the partnerships we have with you are deeply appreciated. We really could not do it without you. I invite those that are not subscribers to give us a try in our efforts to keep you informed of the local news and events we report on. Your local businesses have their specials and sales available to you and we all appreciate your business. "Shop Local" is more than a mantra for me, but the livelihood of the businesses themselves and the employees that work and live in our community. Here at the Mountain Home News we are always seeking partners to help us report on your accomplishments and endeavors and on events and activities for our schools and organizations, so never hesitate to reach out to us. We cannot be everywhere and if we miss something or simply cannot be there, we thank you for those partnerships that help us keep our readers informed.
As always, I am here to help you, along with the staff, to support you and your activities with advertising and then news coverage after those events. Thank you in advance for your support and business.
I started here in 1991, so this being the beginning of my 29th year makes me want to say “There’s no place like home.” Kind of cheesy I know, but my parents gave me a set of dolls this year for Christmas and it just got me thinking while I write this. I truly feel blessed and appreciate all my staff and their efforts and dedication to this business.
May 2020 be profitable for all of us here in our great town of Mountain Home. I am thankful for all I have here, including my family here and away. Happy "News" Year and Thank You.
Brenda M. Fincher