Mountain Home FFA Competes in Agriculture Mechanics, Employment Skills, and FFA Knowledge Competitions

Mountain Home FFA had six members compete in the Boise Valley District Agriculture Mechanics Career Development Event (CDE) on December 4th at Meridian High School. Westen Smith competed in small gas engines, Kamryn Orr in copper pipe fitting, Elisa Agner in tool identification, Cristobal Orozco in electricity, Shaleah Lasuen GMAW and SMAW welding and Caelin Coggins in GTAW and Oxygen Acetylene welding. Kamryn Orr ended up placing second high individual in copper pipe fitting.
Elizabeth Bearden competed in the Employment Skills CDE. Elizabeth interviewed for a job in agriculture and submitted a cover letter and resume. Four freshman members competed in the greenhand FFA knowledge competition. The competition is a test over FFA history and knowledge. These four students included; Alli Montgomery, Gabrielle Montgomery, Clayton Franscisco, and Realei Mills. Alli Montgomery placed second high individual in the greenhand knowledge test after two tie breakers for first place.