Commissioners discuss openings in the Land Use and Building Department and water issues

The Elmore County Commissioners met on Dec. 13 to discuss topics pertinent to the county.
Land Use and Building Department Heather Reynolds, from Human Resources, updated the Commissioners informing them that the county is currently accepting applications for a Department Director position for the Land Use and Building Department, and to make sure everyone was on the same page. Reynolds said that the people in the department are awesome and expanding their education, but that the county needs to think ahead. The department is seeing an increase in business and expects the trend to continue. The Water Project on Anderson Ranch Reservoir will need to be funded. The Commissioners are planning to have a discussion with the Bond Counsel based on last weeks discussion to investigate options. The board is trying to contain the project to a specific area in Elmore County that would benefit from the additional water. The creation of a Local Improvement District (LID) is still looking like a viable option.
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