City Council makes decision on travel reimbursement

The Mountain Home City Council met on Nov. 25, 2019, for a regularly scheduled meeting. After quickly approving the consent agenda the council returned to the discussion of whether or not to paint the curbs red on a portion of Cinderloop Drive. The conversation had already come up at a previous meeting, before being tabled,to contact residents of the neighborhood after the project was recommended by the Traffic Safety Committee.
Mountain Home Police Department Officer Josh Martinez is a member of the committee and spoke on their behalf. He informed the council that he had spoken to the neighbor who had been parking his vehicles along the curb, which had been creating vision problems approaching the crosswalk and was the reason for the recommendation. He said that the citizen had said that he wasn't in favor of the curb being painted, but understood the reason for it. He added that he would try his best not to park any vehicles there. He asked that law enforcement spend more time in the area watching for people speeding.
Officer Martinez said that he had not seen anyone park on the outside curb in a "longtime." He added that the citizen suggested that the crosswalk sign be moved a bit, because where it is currently placed, it cannot be seen until a driver is right up on it.
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