The Results are in

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The empty polling precinct last Tuesday morning was a sign of the low voter turnout of the day

The City of Mountain Home held its municipal elections on Nov. 5th with the community deciding who will be the mayor for the next fours years as well as choosing two city council members.

In the mayoral race incumbent Rich Sykes won with 48.8 percent of the vote with 1099 votes, Jimmy Schipani received 32.8 percent of the vote with 744 votes and Tim Standish received 18.8 percent with 426 votes.

In the City Council race Mark Bryant was up for election and because Councilman Schipani had decided to run for mayor his seat was available as well, so each voter was informed to vote for two individuals. Mike McCain and Brad Stokes were chosen as the two new councilman once all the ballots had been counted. Stokes received 23.7 percent of the vote with 927 votes, McCain received 22.2 percent of the vote with 871 votes and incumbent Mark Bryant was right behind him with 21.2 percent of the vote with 829 votes. Kristopher Wallaert received 15.8 percent of the vote with 619 citizens voting for him, Ralph Binion received 10.6 percent of the vote with 416 votes and Joshua Melville received 6.5 percent of the vote with 256 people voting for him.

Voter turn out was extremely low on election day with only 2280 votes being cast. In a city with a population of over 14,000 people (some of which are ineligible to vote for age or other reasons) there were 6277 registered voters on election day. Out of those voters only 36.3 percent chose to vote. Let that sink in for a minute, a third of the registered voters in the City of Mountain Home just chose the fate for the city’s leadership for the next four years.

Congratulations to the winners of the election and thank you to all of the candidates who ran for office and your willingness to serve our community. Campaigning is not an easy thing or for the faint of heart.

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  • I'm not a resident of the city but if I was, I'd surly hit the polls on election day. Hard to believe only 1/3 of registered voters showed up. Those who did get their way, those who didn't will have years of complaining about how things are being done.

    -- Posted by goatbeard on Thu, Nov 14, 2019, at 8:34 AM
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