City Council makes decision on suspension of Imagine Mountain Home Grant funding

The Mountain Home City Council met on Oct. 28, 2019. Many of the council hopefuls were also in attendance at the meeting.
Dan Weitz, who currently owns the property surrounding the newly acquired rail spur was in attendance and afforded a chance to speak about the annexation of his property into city limits to open the meeting.
Weitz began by saying he wanted to thank everyone for the hard work that has gone into the acquisition and the good job that has been done.
The city "has been trying to get the rail spur for probably 20 years. You guys didn't give up," Weitz said. "Now Union Pacific is picking it up and you're getting national attention. Businesses are going to want to come here, some you want and some will need vetted. More people are noticing what Mountain Home is doing out of the area, than are noticing in the area. People are going to have a hard time competing with you."
During the audience's chance to address the council, current Chamber of Commerce President, Alain Isaacs, asked them to not suspend the Imagine Mountain Home Grant Funding, which was scheduled to be discussed later in the meeting.
"I agree there should be a design committee, but think it's the wrong time to say no. People are enthusiastic right now," Isaacs said.
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