A busy bee indeed
Busily flitting here, there and everywhere, it would be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t ran into University of Idaho Extension Office Educator Brad Stokes while he is out and about working on one of his many projects. Stokes has spent the last couple of years working with Elmore County, the cities of Mountain Home and Glenns Ferry to bring awareness to the plight of pollinators and humanity’s dependence on them. From holding educational events such as Pollinator Awareness Day at the Farmers Market to handing out native plant seeds and showing off pollinating species at the Arbor Day celebration, he has gotten people of all ages interested in the subject. Through his help and dedication he has worked with the City of Mountain Home to help the city be named as members of Bee City USA and Monarch City USA and encouraged the passage of the Pollinator Protection Policy Resolution. The Mountain Home News staff would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all of his hard work on this subject. Save the Bees Please!