Crazee Dayz

Mountain Home Crazee Dayz Event presented by the Chamber of Commerce was a huge success. Lifetime Volunteer, Never say no supporter of all things Mountain Home, Sue Gross commented that the day was perfect. “There was a fantastic turnout for the day over all. The car show was amazing with 40 cars for viewing. The weather was great all day and continued to be pleasant for that evenings dance.”
As we put out heads together traipsing down memory lane and counting on our fingers, Sue and I know that Crazee Dayz has been an annual event for downtown Mountain Home for at least 30 years. “When I started here in 91’ the Mountain Home News was Crazee Dayz central and I jumped right in then. Sue has pictures of her daughter in the parade from 89’ so there you have our math” said Publisher Brenda Fincher.
Sue went on to say “we had over 70 vendors this year and that was a spectacular turnout. The vendors and the bouncy houses had a line all day.” The lucky winner of the Chamber Fund Raiser Raffle for a Traeger Pellet Grill was won by Cassandra Martin.
Congratulations Cassandra!