City Council meets to discuss appliance rebates and the annexation of Meadows Trailer Park
The Mountain Home City Council met on April 8, to discuss multiple topics on the agenda.
At the beginning of the meeting a presentation was given by LHTAC (Local Highway Technical Assistance Council) and Gene Palmer, Street Superintendent, congratulating two city employees on their Road Scholar Awards. The recipients were Mark Stechelin and Patrick Stone. For the past few years the city has funded the Street Department to send employees to the roadway training. The Road Scholar Program consists of 80 hours of instruction in the classroom and in the field. The two employees received a certificate, hat and a engraved Leatherman.
During the recognizing persons in the audience, John Hawks, thanked the City Council for the dog park. The park is being utilized every day. One day recently there where 11 dogs playing in the park together. Hawks requested the Councilman put a line item in the Parks budget so the dog park can have money coming in and out of it for up keep. Harks presented a few ideas to the Council such as a holder for grocery bags for dog waste and he would also like to present local businesses with advertisement ideas to get more funding for the park. The idea is to eventually have a park for small dogs and a park for larger dogs. Mayor Rich Sykes agreed to get this line item added to the budget.
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