City Council meets to discuss airport lease

The Mountain Home City Council met on Feb. 11. During the meeting Sheriff Mike Hollinshead presented MHPD Chief of Police Conner an award, a public hearing about a waste water increase was held and a presentation regarding leasing ground at the city airport was given.
Sheriff Mike Hollinshead presented Chief Conner with a Special Deputy Award. Sheriff Hollinshead is sponsoring a reserve academy for the state of Idaho and on Feb. 1 the Sheriff's Office hosted a training class, but had no facility to hold it in. Sheriff Hollinshead called Chief Conner for assistance and he opened the training facility for the class.
The next item on the agenda was the Public Hearing on the wastewater rate increase. No one in the audience wished to speak on the matter so it was closed.
Chris Alzola got up to speak about her concerns over the multiple projects going on in town and wanted to know where the funds are coming from. She said there is currently the Hub, the Downtown Plan and others but wondered how they will affect the city's budget with maintenance and operations. She went on to say that roads such as War Eagle are terrible and these things need taken care of as well.
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