An update from Dist. 23 Rep Zito
We have completed the second week of your State Legislature. Most of what has been accomplished in my committees has been dealing with the rule review process. In State Affairs we rejected rule changes for the Rules Governing the Chinden Office Complex, and we also rejected rule changes for the Division of Purchasing. Again, as stated in last week’s email, this is only effective at this point if we can get concurrence from the Senate.
Other committees this week are still reviewing agency rules, several of which are quite concerning. The Industrial Commission's new rule that require some insurance materials be printed in "English, Spanish, and any other language common to the claimant population." It concerns me that our American way of life, including English as our official language, is under attack here in Idaho, in addition to the added expense of multiple copies in various languages and the manpower to accomplish this.
Another concerning rule in the Health & Welfare committee passed by 1 vote. It prohibits pharmacies from accepting cash as a form of payment from persons known to be Medicaid participants.
Representatives are working on changing legislation that will give the legislature more power over the rule making process.
Idaho's Chief Justice Roger Burdick presented the State of the Judiciary this week. He stated that in 2012 national polling started recording the public's opinion of the judiciary, and it is now at "its highest level". His two judicial priorities are public defense and justice reinvestment. He is expecting a higher demand on the judicial system as more people move to Idaho. His current budget is 1.3% of the state's budget; the national average is 3%. (I guess that means they will be asking for a budget increase soon.)For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.