
Thank you for everything!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Dear friends,

This is my final e-newsletter as a member of Congress. I’ve enjoyed communicating with you and thousands of other subscribers and appreciate your kind attention and thoughtful feedback.

Let me begin by thanking you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the opportunity to represent you in Congress for the past eight years. When I first ran for Congress in 2010, very few people knew who I was and even fewer people gave me a chance to win. But you listened to me in the same way I listened to you. You stood by me in the same way I stood by you. You sent me to Washington to fight for you; to stand strong for conservative values; to help preserve this wonderful country. I have worked every day to be worthy of your trust, and I am grateful for the trust you have repeatedly placed in me.

For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.