Recreation Foundation receives donation for pool construction
The Western Elmore County Recreation District held their monthly meeting on Nov. 28. During the meeting the board received their yearly audit presentation.
For the second year in a row, the auditing company was concerned with the number of EINs. Under advice from their attorney the previous board had taken out ten additional EINs for banking purposes.
The auditor said that the number of EINs was "a little excessive" and wanted the board to be aware of them so they could keep a careful watch of them to make sure someone else wasn't using any of their numbers.
After approving the audit, conversation turned back to the large quantity of EIN numbers as WERCD Treasurer Judy Erwin explained to the board that she had been in contact with the IRS about the issue. During that conversation she had been informed that any EINs that had been received, but had never been used could be closed out by the IRS. Only five of the numbers have been used leaving half of them eligible to be closed.
Both Director Doug Meyer and Director Lee Pierce wanted to hold a vote to close them out, but President Dan Gillies asked for the item to be tabled for the next regularly scheduled board meeting and the other two directors agreed. For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.