Publisher's Pen

Using my publishers platform I write this week from a sadden heart. We are a newspaper family and belong to a group of individuals that have as part of our job the reporting of the good, bad and sometimes ugly. As a small town newspaper we have the responsibility and calling to report the news to our readers that at times are difficult and heart wrenching and does not always make someone happy. This last week in Maryland at the Capital Gazette newspaper, after the process of reporting the news had an individual that strongly disagreed on the reporting of criminal matters that were of police nature that was of their own doing. This individual choose to enter their newspaper and act out their frustration in the most heinous of ways by taking the 5 lives of journalist that were simply doing their job. It always breaks my heart to hear of any shooting or acts of violence or terrorism in any environment but this one hit close to home in that it was people that like us love our jobs. I cannot fathom the mindset it takes to make this type of decision. As a publisher of a newspaper along with my staff, we wish to pass on our condolences to the families, friends and co-workers affected by this senseless crime. It brings home the reality of the possibility of these types of actions in any walk of life or profession. With that said we also had a crime this weekend in Boise that too took innocents lives and caused lifelong circumstance for adults and small children, their families and neighbors. I will never pretend to understand but grieve with a community and nation. Please share a prayer of peace this week in the hearts and minds of all affected by their trials and tribulations. Thank you readers for allowing me this moment in sharing my heart.
Brenda M Fincher
Mountain Home News