Publisher's Pen
I am happy to announce that Stephanie Root has accepted the position of Editor for the Mountain Home News. I am always happy when current staff takes the opportunity to step up and promote within. Stephanie has shown her willingness to learn and expand on her responsibilities here at the Mountain Home News, so if you see her here, there and everywhere it seems for her these days, be sure to congratulate her. Her work ethics and confidence are her driving force for me and the fact that she is a home-grown Mountain Home resident is a bonus as well. Her ties to the community and her wealth of knowledge, love of history and all things current and newsworthy for our Mountain Home News readers can only be complimented by her true willingness to expand and grow as a writer and editor of our local weekly publications. Stephanie and her husband Jason along with their two children have been part of our family since September of this past year and her value as an employee has continued to grow from the onset. I am very happy along with all the staff at the Mountain Home News in congratulating her on this new adventure. As always, she is looking for story ideas and a heads up on with is going on in our community and please feel free to send her an email to help us keep you informed on local news and events. We thank our partners that supply information for our pages weekly as it is hard to be everywhere all the time but are happy to publish your results and photos of things going on. If you do not get a reply back that your submission has been received in a timely manner give us a call. We too fall victim to the black hole once in a while and the fact that we are not always at our desk. We do not wish you to feel ignored by being non-responsive. We will get your request processed for consideration and published as soon as possible. Please feel free to give her a call or myself or leave a message anytime or even just stop by the office. “Catch her if you can” until we settle back down and get a new staff reporter to replace her position but she will be responding to email and voice mail. I also thank our advertisers and subscribers for your support.
Congratulations Stephanie – you got this. B Our emails are:, and story/event submission:
Thank you
Brenda M Fincher