Commissioners met late July to discuss county issues

Thursday, August 10, 2017

July 21 the Elmore County Commission meeting started out with great news from the Elmore County Sheriff's Department.

Deputy Garret Kinnan was awarded the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award from the American Legion Department of Idaho.

The American Legion Lifesaver Award, as it is known, was awarded to Kinnan by Sheriff Mike Hollinshead before the commission moved on to other county business.

The most impacting of the issues from that day revolved around the curve on highway 20 near milepost 101.5.

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  • When will they repave (smooth) sections of hwy30 from Airbase Road to 12th St. They put pea gravel on there once, but that does not take out all the bumps.

    Also, when you turn left to follow old 30 to Hammett, from that turn to Hamilton Road is like a washboard.

    -- Posted by XDriver on Thu, Aug 10, 2017, at 9:43 AM
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