High school's tennis team hosts yearly youth camp
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Four to five year old participants and helpers: Front row, Benjamin Fish and Kaylee Peherson; back row, Mary Walker, Cassidy McLean, Rebecca Martin and Alexis Dunlap.
Mountain Home High School's Tigers tennis team wrapped up its annual summer tennis camp at Richard Aguirre Park on Friday.
The camp, which is the primary fundraiser for the Tiger tennis team, had 19 students participating, ranging in age from 4 to 14 years old with the children and teens divided into four age groups.
Tigers tennis coach Tamzy House said the camp had another successful year thanks to the outstanding help from members of the high school tennis squad.

Six to seven year old participants and helpers: Ben Kreutzer, Tripp Riley, Diana Fish, Emma Russell, Grant Richins, Alex Davidson, Rebecca Martin, Mason Gallup, Alexis Dunlap, Cassidy McLean and Mary Walker.
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Eight to 10 year old participants and helpers: Front row, Asia Dunlap, Evan Criddle, Zane Richins, Kadrianna Peterson, Mason Gallup and Alexis Dunlap; back row, Rebecca Martin, Cassidy McLean and Mary Walker.

Eleven to 17 year old participants and helpers: First row, Evelyn Davidson and Kent Clark; second row, Gareth Brantley, Madeline Criddle, Alexis Dunlap, Darius Brantley and Shelby Ytuarte; back row, Mary Walker, Cassidy McLean, Rebecca Martin and Mason Gallup.