Senior center says thanks for helping save the kitchen
Dear editor,
The following is a note to the Mountain Home community. Since starting our Capital Campaign in 2016 to raise $265,000 for our "Save the Kitchen" project, you have helped us raise $46,300.
Now we need your help. We have a chance to obtain a $150,000 grant from the Department of Commerce for our kitchen project if we can raise another $60,000 to $70,0000 by March 1.
The funds will improve our kitchen by replacing aging equipment and bring the kitchen facilities up to code to continue serving 2,000 meals per month, including congregate and home delivered meals. State and federal funding in combination with donation grants and fund raisers help us maintain our $229,000 annual operating budget but doesn't leave much left over.
Our Senior Center began in 1984 with two buildings and some kitchen equipment donated from Mountain Home Air Force Base. Improvements have been achieved at the Senior Center over the years through grants, memberships, donations, fund raisers and memorials through the generous support of our community.
The Senior Center is managed by an elected, 10-person board. We have six paid part-time employees, which include three cooks, a bus driver, a janitor and coordinator and many volunteers. The Center is open five days a week with additional days on weekends and some evenings. We serve an average of 1,670 people a month which includes meals, activities and services.
We are deeply committed to try to continue to provide our Seniors with this much needed and appreciated food service in our community. We sincerely appreciate all the help and encouragement we have received from our community over the years and we would certainly welcome any assistance, suggestions and fresh ideas. Please help us "Save the Kitchen."
-- Connie Cruser,
Mountain Home Senior Center Board