Letter to the Editor

WECRD quickly becoming community's 'sugar daddy'

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Dear editor,

The Western Elmore County Recreation District (WECRD) was voted in by the tax payers residing in that geographic area (district) to build a recreational facility. The majority of these voters wanted a swimming pool that would provide for everyone (young and old) something all could use.

They also were concerned about the future of the City of Mountain Home, wanting something built to benefit growth into the future.

I attended the regular monthly meeting June 16, 2016, of the WECRD Directors. The meeting was attended by the Mountain Home City Council members and perhaps the new mayor.

After the meeting adjourned, I asked one Council Member about the City's Skate Board Project, which had been much discussed at this WECRD meeting (it seemed to be a #1 priority to be built) and why they were discussing it with these directors.

I was told that our WECRD directors had offered to pay in full the cost (with our tax money) to build this project. During the discussion, it was said that the Project could cost from $400,000 to one million dollars.

There had been a question from the floor asking why and how a skate board park was necessary since it would only be used by a small number of people and there was already one near the city swimming pool. The directors did not respond to this inquiry.

After this discussion, they did vote to give our tax money (approximately $40,000 dollars) for various high school sports programs. The one good project that they approved was $11,000 dollars to enhance the local "Picnic in the Park" program that helps feed under-privileged youngsters over the summer -- money to be used for some paid help and for outdoor play equipment.

I do not like the way our tax monies are being spent. The City has found a Sugar-Daddy and only because they can obtain WECRD funds are they willing to spend our tax dollars on a glorified concrete park.

The School District Board has also found this Sugar-Daddy by allowing double taxation on the WECRD taxpayers. Don't go to WECRD board (they won't listen to your comments or answer your questions. Go to the City Council, go to the School Board, and ask them WHY they allow this to happen.


-- James Twitchell,

Mountain Home