Special event set at Relay for Life

A last-minute addition to this year's list of activities during Saturday's Relay for Life will fulfill a pledge for one Mountain Home resident.
Harold Booth, commander of American Legion Post 101, agreed to have his hallmark beard shorn -- along with his hair -- as part of this year's cancer awareness effort.
The spectacle is scheduled for 3 p.m. in Carl Miller Park with Gina Doyle from the Upper Cut salon scheduled to perform the deed. Aside from having his beard and hair trimmed from time to time, he hasn't had either cut since he started letting them grow out in 2009.
To date, his plan to raise money specifically for breast cancer research and treatment has raised $365, although he hopes to bring in more than $2,000 by Saturday. The money will help patients like his wife, Tammy Booth, a breast cancer survivor.
People can donate money by dropping it in a designated collection bin at Marathon Cheese. They can also make pledges by calling Tammy Booth at 590-9047.