Census update: Population falling in Elmore County

The total number of people living in Mountain Home and surrounding communities remains on a steady decline since the 2010 census, according to information released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Statistics based on 2015 estimates calculated Mountain Home's population at 13,730, or nearly 500 fewer people than reported during the formal survey conducted in 2010.
Total residents in Glenns Ferry was also down by approximately 100 people with 1,229 total residents living there last July. Estimates for Grand View also showed a slight decline at 443 people compared to 452 five years prior.
The Census Bureau estimates population figures in communities across the United States each year which factors in births and deaths as well as those moving from one city to another. Those numbers are then added to the last census numbers to provide these updated estimates.
This latest report showed several cities in the Treasure Valley and other major communities gaining the most people across the state from July 2014 to July 2015. The largest gain happened in Meridian, whose population rose by 3,027 over the 12-month period, the bureau reported.
Others showing similar gains were Nampa at 1,683, Caldwell with 1,510 additional residents, Boise City with 1,290 more people and Coeur d'Alene with a 1,235 increase.
The report calculated figures for 200 incorporated cities across the state. This doesn't include minor civil divisions such as townships and precincts.