BLM considers permanent base at city airport

Wednesday, May 18, 2016
The Bureau of Land Management uses the Mountain Home Airport as a base of operations for its single seat air tanker, or SEAT, aircraft during range fire season each summer.

The city council approved a measure last week that could lead to the construction of a permanent base at the Mountain Home Airport dedicated to servicing aircraft battling range fires across southern Idaho.

A letter of intent signed by Mayor Rich Sykes sets aside up to five acres of vacant property on the northeast side of the airport as part of a non-binding deal between the city and Bureau of Land Management.

The agreement represents a ...

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  • Why are my taxes supporting a city airport when the county reaps all the benefits. Unless it starts making money, instead of a deficit every year, I say shut down.

    -- Posted by gmoney on Wed, May 18, 2016, at 5:41 PM
  • gmoney

    Things like airports, schools, fire departments and space shuttles are almost always publicly funded

    -- Posted by GernBlanstol on Sat, May 21, 2016, at 11:24 PM
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