A collection of comments on issues
Dear editor,
This will be a hodge-podge since there are a number of items I want to discuss.
First, I really appreciate the beauty of Legacy Park. It is very well maintained. Kudos and many thanks to the Parks and Recreation crew that work so hard to keep it nice. It's sad when undisciplined folks choose to litter and deface its beauty.
Second, referencing the political forum at senior center. I very much enjoyed the meeting, but I wish there had been an opportunity to meet each candidate, shake their hand and talk to them personally.
For instance, when it comes to people sentenced to jail, I don't understand why so many days are suspended:
* 90-day sentence with 85 days suspended
* 180-day sentence with 174 days suspended
Same thing with fines:
* $1,000 fined with $900 suspended
* $300 fine with $200 suspended
This scenario is repeated constantly week after week at the court house.
Thirdly, I totally agree with the editorial in the April 20, 2016 paper (Here we go once again...). I pray Mountain Home Air Base will continue to be our good neighbors.
Fourth, referencing newspaper seeks survey feedback (April 20 Mountain Home News). I don't think the community needs every finite detail on the rape cases. How embarrassing that must be to the people involved.
Personally, I would like more local news. This was not an option in your survey. There are other good sources for getting state and national news DAILY.
My favorite part of the paper is the obituaries; next the court reports. You are doing a better job covering the local sports. Basketball game reports this past school year were dismal.
Fifth, referencing the trees in the underpass. As I recall, the paper said earlier that they cost $1,200 each. Frankly, I think that is a waste of money.
And I feel the same way about the paintings in the alley.
Thank you,
-- Melva McKenzie,
Mountain Home