Honoring this year's sorority royal court
Monday, February 29, 2016
From left, Joyce Thompson, Goldie Shafer and JoAnne Lanham pose for a group photo following their selection as the 2016 queens for the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Chapters of Mountain Home and Glenns Ferry. During the annual Valentines Queens' Luncheon, held Feb. 14 at the Crossings Winery, County Council Sorority President Linda Smisek presided over the event in which the previous year's reigning queens then introduced the incoming court. Sherry Rusnacek introduced Thompson as Xi Bet Xi Queen, Ethel Wolfe introduced Shafer as Torch Bearer Queen and Judy Krieger introduced Lanham as Preceptor Omega Queen. Beta Sigma Phi serves as a service organization that supports community needs in Elmore County.