Blame the previous board
Dear editor,
Since the election of new WECRD board members Art Nelson and Judy Mayne, we have heard blame being aimed at them for the unfortunate position the board finds itself in of having to cancel the contract with the builders, and pay penalties, in order to stop the project as it was going. Let's just look at the simple facts here.
Who is really responsible for the board being in this position regarding the contractor? Who could possibly deny that the responsibility lies with the board members who were voted out of office, who, on October 14 signed the contract with the builder?
They did this in full knowledge there would be an election on November 3, a mere 20 days later, in which the public would have the opportunity to cast their votes about the direction the WECRD was headed with this building. In that election it was a clear choice for voters.
We were choosing between those current board members who were for proceeding with the project, and those who favored taking more time to consider other options.
I am, quite frankly, appalled that the board members at that time would disregard our democratic process to the point of "forcing" the go ahead of the project by signing the contract 20 days before the voters had a chance to cast their votes. Whether you are for the project as it was planned or against it, surely we can agree, this is not how we want our voices to be disregarded.
And cast our votes we did, overwhelmingly for Nelson and Mayne, who were running on the platform of pausing in this project to consider all options. That's the other fact.
Art and Judy are carrying out the actions they said they would in the campaign. I guess it may boil down to some sore losers who are now trying to shift the blame, for the position we are in regarding the building contract, to the new board members.
I'm actually not surprised, since the actions of the previous members was an affront to democracy. That really is not something we would expect people to freely admit to.
I am in full support of Art Nelson and Judy Mayne staying the course on their campaign promise to stop the headlong rush toward a building plan the majority of the voters have voted against. I respect them for doing this despite the negative situation forced on them by the out-going board members, and the accusatory remarks leveled at them by members of our community.
-- Ruth Ascuena, Mountain Home