A thank you to candidates
Dear editor,
I would like to congratulate all of the candidates for mayor and express my gratitude that they were willing to put in the time to seek office. As a teacher at Mountain Home High School, I invited the candidates for Mayor to attend class on October 26th.
All five candidates took time out their schedules to spend the entire school day with the seniors at the high school. Over the course of the day, the candidates interacted with over 180 students, and we all enjoyed a productive, educational day.
The candidates were well spoken and responsive to the questions the students posed and the students were articulate in their questions and responded well to the candidates.
I would like to publicly thank Mr, Sykes, Mr. Monasterio, Ms. Harris, Mr. Parrett and Mr. Booth for giving the students in town the opportunity to be involved in the political process.
It was a great experience, and I wish all of the candidates the best of luck in their future endeavors.
-- Matthew Bundy, Mountain Home High School