Children visit Mountain Home for 'Hunt of a Lifetime'
Sunday, November 1, 2015

A group of hunting guides and helpers pose with Cassidy and her elk. Immediately after taking the shot that brought down her elk, the youngster finally released the emotions that she had bottled up over the last four years of cancer treatments. At the time of the harvest, she started crying and tearing up, and it was her first tears in over four years, according to her grandmother.
by Tim Bondy
Mountain Home News
Bennett Mountain saw some early season hunting action recently when a non-profit organization treated two young hunters to a hunt of a lifetime on a ranch located near Mountain Home.

David poses with the elk he brought down on Bennett Mountain this month. Hunt of a Lifetime, a non-profit organization with an office in Idaho, helped the youngster fulfill his dream of hunting elk in Idaho.
Two children diagnosed with cancer met in a Louisiana hospital during treatment and formed a friendship. That friendship was based on their similar form of cancer but blossomed when both found out about their similar interest in hunting big game.
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