Tiger golf tourney planned

Mountain Home High School hosts its annual Tiger Open Golf Tournament on Aug. 22 at the Desert Canyon Golf Course in Mountain Home.
The Tiger Open is a four-person scramble fundraiser for the Mountain Home High School athletic department.
Proceeds from the tournament are split between the various athletic teams and groups.
"This will be an awesome opportunity to help support our athletic programs and activities and have some fun at the same time," said high school activities director Mark Cotton.
Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. Aug. 22 with a shotgun start for the tournament following at 1:30 p.m. Entry fees are available per person or team, which includes greens fees, a 3 X 5 Tiger flag, tee prize and dinner.
"We will be raffling and auctioning off various sporting good items, season passes, gift cards and Mountain Home High School athletic apparel -- Even a custom Tiger skateboard deck," Cotton said. "We are still out collecting raffle items now, so there should be a bunch to chose from."
People can register for the tournament in advance or at the Desert Canyon Golf Course the day of the event. Participants can register and pay online at www.tigeropen.weebly.com or at the front office at the high school.
Tournament organizers are also looking for companies, businesses and individuals interested in becoming sponsors of the event. Sponsorships come in three different levels.
"The Tiger Open has always been a great event, and we are really wanting to build on it and hopefully take it to the next level," Cotton said.
For more information, call Cotton at 208-447-6737 or via e-mail at cotton_ma@mtnhomesd.org.