WECRD plans public forum

Friday, June 26, 2015

Representatives with the Western Elmore County Recreation District will hold a public forum at 5:30 p.m. Monday at Mountain Home High School's Lloyd Schiller Gymnasium.

Officials will use the forum to update the public on plans to build a community recreation center in town.

At the same time, the district's board of directors seek to clear up misconceptions regarding the project and to provide people with facts on the effort to build the 23,000 square foot facility.

During the meeting, people are invited to fill out a question card, which will then be collected prior to the evening's question and answer session. The meeting moderator will then ask the questions and address them to a member of the recreation district or Treasure Valley YMCA that's best suited to answer those queries.

The district's next regularly scheduled board meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. July 15 at the district office at 245 East 6th South St.

For more information on the upcoming public forum, call the district's office at 580.2377 or go online to www.wecrd.org.

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    Here is the planned schedule:

    1.Welcome and Introduction

    2.Brief statements from each directors

    3.Review of Rec District history

    4.Project overview



    III.c.Capital Campaign

    5.Treasure Valley YMCA

    6.Floor opens for Questions

    I thought this town hall meeting was originally created to answer taxpayers questions/concerns but seems more like a sales pitch. And I have to wonder who this moderator will be? Some of us have asked questions via email per WECRD request and are still awaiting answers almost a week later. They are slow or never respond to many questions in what appears a hope that they will go away or give an answer that has nothing to do with even the simplest of questions. There is no transparency with this group despite their claim.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Fri, Jun 26, 2015, at 5:17 AM
  • I agree with this being a sales pitch. It seems like the only answers we get are in private messages that they don't want public. Like the ones from the one board member who threatened not to do business with a local store owner because they were against the WECRD.

    It is just showing just how sneaky these people are trying to be. I can bet they won't answer a simple Question like "What will we see in the future that was on the original petition that we voted for?" Or "If you think this is what we want why won't you let us re vote on it?

    -- Posted by Doc_Appel on Fri, Jun 26, 2015, at 4:32 PM
  • The moderator is the son of a prominent citizen, business owner and mentor of the Mountain Home community. He grew up here..graduated from Mtn Home High School and stayed to work in his father's business. Since his father's passing he has assumed the business. Jack in his own right is a leader of this community... As for the WECRD, I am no fan either...but I can say I had an answer back from them in pretty short order...perhaps I hit it just right?

    -- Posted by Pug on Tue, Jun 30, 2015, at 9:56 PM
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