UN, Obama preparing to take gun rights away
Dear editor:
Christmas Eve, 2014, while much of America was in "last minute" mode Christmas shopping, our rights were under assault once again by this administration. In a page from the "Yamamoto Pearl Harbor Playbook", we were blindsided again (except those of us "paranoids" who keep vigil over each Democratic administration). The Obama administration has signed a "small arms treaty" with the U.N., set to take effect this past Christmas eve.
Didn't hear about it on your favorite news channel? Fancy that. Like a "sleepy Sunday morning at Pearl," Christmas eve was perfect timing to try to slip something by unnoticed.
Looks OK on the surface, one of those world-wide "kumbaya" moments. But like Obamacare, you scoffers need to READ the thing before you SAY anything, in particular, Articles 5, 12, and ESPECIALLY 16. (Don't take my word for it------LOOK IT UP!) Been TELLIN' ya' this forever! Yes, yes, "it could never happen HERE!" Look it up anyway.
While this was no surprise (the Democrats have been after our private gun rights for decades), they didn't sneak this one "under the radar" as they'd hoped to. Ever since the early Clinton days, we've carefully tracked this "party of the people." The same ones who've chanted from childhood that "only the police and the military should have guns" (except in Ferguson and other such places, of course).
Now, technically it has to be ratified by the Senate (which HASN'T happened yet), but if you're an honest gun owner, you HAVE to be concerned that even if the NEW Senate turns it down, this current president thinks he's the "king" now, and will NOT be challenged by neither media nor congress. He just does what he wants, and to oppose ANYTHING he does makes one a nationwide bigot.
But here's where it gets sticky. This administration has most Dems convinced that the U.N. is some kind of "parent figure" or "final authority." It is NOT. They lease a large building in New York, where they harbor terrorist nations, and vote AGAINST us 82 percent of the time, even though we foolishly pay the lion's share of its operating cost. We do NOT "answer" to the U.N. They are NOT our "mommy and daddy." They have never been a part of our Constitution and we are under NO obligation to obey the "One-World-Order United Nations."
NOBODY, politician or military, has ever taken an oath to protect or defend the U.N. While I sadly KNOW of a few military members who've told me they WOULD obey an order from a U.N. commander, I myself would NOT, nor would MOST in my estimation. I'm an AMERICAN, who takes no orders from foreigners nor traitors. Not now. Not ever.
I am not PERSONNALLY overly concerned because when it finally DOES "hit the fan," I'm gonna do what I need to do -- "from ALL enemies, both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC." And I'm not by ANY means, the "lone ranger" around here, or across the country. I'm just a little more vocal about it than most.
Most prolific gun owners have known this was coming since September of last year. The bulk of us "old timers" have had the "radar on" since the original "Slick Willie assault gun ban," which cost him both of HIS Houses in '94. Nobody I know has been sitting around to just "wait and see." We all knew this was coming somewhere down the line, we just didn't know WHEN or under WHO. We DID know it would be a Democrat administration. Had to be, that's always been where anti-gun assaults against honest citizens have always come from. Always.
To the majority of gun owners reading this, I'm merely "preaching to the choir." But all REAL Americans need to know how their rights are being given away behind closed doors, (which is the only way a DESPOTIC regime CAN operate while trying to shun the light of day).
If they're actually "brassy" enough to IMPLEMENT this, it'll most likely begin with martial law, under some guise of "safety measures for the American people." If you ever give them up, you will never get them back. Ask any Australian about that, and we would be at the total mercy of the hoods. It takes a "special kind of stupid" to think criminals will obey gun laws.
Fellow vets. I'll leave it with THIS: it's no longer on foreign soil. This time it really IS for "mom's apple pie." He who beats his sword into plowshares, will plow for those who didn't.
'Nuff said.
Oh, and by all means, Happy New Year.
-- Mike Bradbury