LTCU staff praised for their work
Dear editor:
On Friday, Dec. 12, 2014 (11 a.m.), I went to St. Luke's Elmore (long term) facility to visit my father-in-law, Rex Charles NILE.
The thesis of this letter is to apologize to all the LongTerm staff, nurses, cleaning ladies, and the resident "Man of God."
"What we had was a failure to communicate!" Not on their part; but mine.
Please, accept my sincere apologies for our misunderstanding(s). You were completely within your rights, practices, policies and procedures. Kudos for being competent, professional, safety and security/privacy practices to all your patients!
Speaking of Long Term unit --
I'd like to suggest St. Luke's corporate, that you immediately make the necessary improvement repairs/upgrades to the concrete area; full of cracks and holes. This creates anxiety to all disabled/handicap (wheelchair, cane, walker) citizens attempting to get to the Long Term unit. Perhaps this is already in the works. If so, thank you!
St. Luke's corporate: do not, I repeat do not call and give me chicanery; we already get that from our politicians! Please (St. Luke's corp), call and advise me when construction will begin; ribbon cutting would behoove you. You may contact me at 208-590-9543.
Also, Kudos to Pastor Gary Allen, admin. staff, and congregation (Christian and Baptist Church) for their supports, thoughts and prayers for the Kite family, including my awesome and beloved sisters -- Vida (Kite) Weirner and Charlotte (Kitei McKibbon. You are the best dang (Sarah Palin) family members I am so blessed to have in my life.
Credit also to ex Kite's grandson, Brian Noe, and ficancee, Kathrn "Kat" for stellar job of taking care of Rex after his hip replacement (2012). During their tenure (at Rex's home), they worked extremely hard taking loving care of our beloved Rex, and his property.
Rex/I had a wonderful visit. He said, "Rhonda, you always lift my spirits!"
God love and press you Rex Kite, who (BTW) turns 96 on Dec. 23, 2014.
Peace and blessings,
-- Rhonda (O'Hanley) Kite