Prairie man dies in single-car mountain road rollover

Wade Finneman, 55, of Prairie, was killed in a single-vehicle crash on Blacks Creek Road about four miles south of Long Gulch Road in northwestern Elmore County.
The accident was discovered about 8:30 a.m. by a person heading to work in the area.
According to Elmore County Deputy Sheriff Farrel Ramsey, it appeared that Finneman was northbound, headed toward Long Gulch Road, when his car left the road on the right side, rolled once and came to rest on its wheels in a canal in the area.
When Ramsey arrived the engine was still running and the lights and radio were still on.
Finneman was not wearing a seat belt and was partially ejected during the rollover. He was dead at the scene.
It's believed he was heading home at the time of the accident and may have been hunting the day before. Finneman had been expected home last night by his wife, but did not return at that time.
The accident remains under investigation.