WECRD hears critics; stresses plan is moving ahead

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Architect's drawing shows concept of proposed Phase I of the WECRD community center.

The Western Elmore County Recreation District heard some criticism of its work during last Wednesday's budget hearing -- some from longstanding critics and in one case from a former chairman of the WECRD board.

But in the end the board approved the roughly $4 million budget.

The hearing was held in conjunction with the board's regular meeting, during which it directed its architects to try and keep the 25,000-square foot community center that had been presented to the board in June, but to find ways to reduce the overall costs back into the $3.1 million range.

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  • The WECRD Board heard nothing that was said to them. They never do. I would like to remind the WECRD Board that anything that is said in those meetings by you should be able to be heard by all in that room. Your little side bars at the table you sit at are a violation of open meeting law. It has been brought up before. If you say it---we must be able to hear it. If you can spend 35K for a salary you folks can invest in a sound system that works. Just saying:)

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sat, Jul 26, 2014, at 3:17 PM
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