We've got a whole bunch of problems
Dear editor:
A few random thoughts:
What a shrewd piece of trading, five high-level terrorists for a deserter! "No one left behind." (except in Benghazi while we fly off to a Las Vegas fundraiser). Instead of closing GITMO, we'd be better off closing Washington, D.C.
Eric Cantor. Shame. Every bureaucrat should be entitled to a lifetime at taxpayer expense. Along those lines, it should be OK to lie to the government on occasion, since the government lies to US on a daily basis, wouldn't ya think? Just take the 5th, like Lois.
In the name of equality, our immigration policy and border control; should be on par with Mexico's and that of most other countries. Foreign Aid is a good and humane thing, and the United States shouldn't be too proud to accept it, if it should ever come OUR way for once. Maybe we could get Sally Struthers to make those tearful commercials for US to send overseas.
Those who've endorsed and cherished the pied piper's "Government run healthcare" would do well to remember that the V.A.'s healthcare is run by that same government. Kinda makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy, don't it?
Gun control works really well if you use the weaver stance properly and the right ammunition. It's also wrong to blame 80 million honest gun owners for the acts of a few, (you know, the same way WE aren't supposed to judge Muslims by the acts of these terrorists).
Along THOSE lines, Eric Holder continues to be ignored. The guy deserves at least another term. 25-30 if it was up to me. Do any of you law abiding gun owners reading this right now, know what you would draw if the ATF caught YOU selling just ONE gun to the wrong person?
Even in 2014, racism is alive and well. I'm still very offended when I'm walking through a grocery store and see aisle signs that say CRACKERS. Thank goodness that "HONK'S" store chain appears to have gone away up in Boise.
This "war on women" thing sounds sort of interesting, when does it start? If you supported Herman Cain, you were still a "racist" and a "bigot" if you opposed Obama or one of his policies. Does this mean you Palin/Bachmann fans out there will automatically become "chauvinist pigs" when you don't bow down to worship Hillary? Just wondered.
And WHO works for WHO, according to our Constitution? How did that go, now? "The first job of government is to protect its citizens, not run their lives." -- Ronald Reagan.
It's been awhile, hasn't it?
-- Mike Bradbury