Schroeder objects to opponent using religion in precinct race
Dear editor:
I'd like to respond to a letter about me by my opponent in the Precinct 4 committee race. Nearly all of his claims about me are simply false.
Before I spell those out, I must make clear that he is also very inappropriately injecting religion into a place where it does not belong: politics and government. Article 6 of the United States Constitution, which many of us swore an oath to support and defend, expresses it better than I can: " religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." I have run in, and won, four elections in this city and county since 2007. Until now, no opponent has raised religious belief as an issue or some sort of qualification for office. I have served my constituents -- whether people or organizations of faith or not -- fairly and honestly in every office I've held. The constitutional standard is clear, and is one to which my opponent should adhere.
To correct my opponent's false statements: I do not believe rights come from government. I have never said this, espoused this, or done anything to indicate this. Rather, I believe the proper role of government is to prevent our rights from being violated and to protect us.
When he says I am "not of the same mindset" in supporting the Constitution, he could not be more wrong. In 1986, I took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution, including all of its Amendments, and spent 21 years in the United States Army doing so, including nearly a year in Iraq risking my life so that others could vote for the first time.
I have never violated anyone's rights, and I do believe it is the role and duty of the government to protect our rights, whatever their source. I do not believe that open mindedness is equated with "disregarding God's law" (whatever law that may be). I do not, and have not ever, believed or supported simply doing as one pleases "with no thought of consequence." I do believe in protecting people's rights -- including the natural rights of people to marry the person they love and the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies- and that government ought not be in the business of restricting these fundamental natural rights.
I do not advocate government expansion. I have, during my years on the city council, helped make government smaller, simpler, and more responsive to the citizens it serves.
This is a precinct committee race, and the issues at hand are how I will support our Republican candidates for office, how I will communicate with voters about issues that are important to them, and how I'll help our elected officials connect with voters. Our committee is also charged with selecting replacements for Republican elected officials who leave before their term is up.
The choice is clear: only one of us better represents the majority viewpoint of the Republican voters of Precinct 4.
Be sure to cast your vote and help determine the answer we get on May 20.
-- Geoff Schroeder