Bryant urges citizens to get involved and vote in elections
Dear editor:
I am Mark Bryant and I am seeking your vote for Republican Precinct 2 Committeeman. I want to have a frank and honest conversation about your representation to our local, state and federal governments. My hope is to motivate to action each and every potential voter in my precinct to start voting April 28 through May 20.
Who represents you to your local, state and federal governments? Most of us don't know who this is, what they do, or how they are supposed to do it. I was shocked to find in Elmore County Precinct 2 just 120 people out of over 1,800 voted for precinct 2 Committeeman. This is alarming and appalling!
It brings into perspective why most people say it doesn't matter if they vote or not, because nothing changes. There are just not enough of us registered to vote and actually voting. Knowing that less than 3 percent of voters actually vote, why would any elected official get out into the local neighborhoods.
We have given up decisions that affect us in every aspect of our lives to a few voters and a handful of politicians who only need to make a few calls to be elected... And still we wonder why things don't change for the better?
Our elected officials may believe we don't have any issues because so few vote, so they make decisions for all based on what they believe, and what they hear from the 3 percent who do vote.
Individually, you are one vote. Collectively, our votes and opinions should give direction to our elected officials and if they don't listen we can recall or vote them out. This is why you HAVE to vote.
I am making an effort to contact every person in my precinct prior to May 20 election day. For our active duty military, who are not residents, you can vote locally and you are key to making Mountain Home a better place. You would give your life in protection of country and our way of life, you should be first in line to vote.
All should consider what was sacrificed for our way of life. Don't make excuses for not voting -- it is not just a right, but also a duty -- made possible by so many who have sacrificed so much in the past.
Beginning April 28 you can register and absentee vote at the same time -- just bring proof of residence and a photo ID to the county courthouse. It might take all of 20 minutes for you to make an actual difference in your government.
Vote for Mark Bryant, Precinct 2 Committeeman, and I will accomplish the duties of this position.
-- Mark Bryant