City, Chamber, state all work to preserve base
Dear editor:
The editorial, "This is what peace looks like," published in the Feb. 26 Mountain Home News, is a good wake-up call to our community and local area.
The drawdown of our military and cuts in their budgets and personnel are very real. It is important that we watch closely and support our military to help insure they are allowed the flexibility to maintain a healthy and creditable national defense.
The Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee was established in 1980 to promote the expansion, development, and effectiveness of Mountain Home Air Force Base and other military activities within the state of Idaho.
Since that time we have had a grassroots effort to keep a constant presence of support for Mountain Home AFB with Air Force higher headquarters and Idaho's congressional delegation. Also, the State of Idaho has been a steady supporter over the years.
The State of Idaho with the help of the City of Mountain Home and Elmore County, has funded a position to serve as the liaison between Mountain Home AFB, various state agencies and our congressional delegates. That liaison, Bill Richey serves as an advisor to our MAC Board. Annually he helps organize part of our constant presence, our annual East Coast visit to promote Mountain Home AFB.
Each spring a four-person team from Mountain Home visits with the commander of Air Combat Command and his staff at Langley AFB, Va., and then with the Air Staff at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
Over the years we have met with the Secretary of the Air Force and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, promoting Idaho and our base. The visit ends with meetings with our congressional delegation on Capitol Hill to inform and solicit their help.
Our efforts with the assistance of Idaho legislation has resulted in support through action. Actions such as: supporting the development of the best local training range in the nation; easing the professional licensing of spouses; easing the transition of military children in schools throughout Idaho by joining the Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission; and this past year the state allocating $4 million in funding to help solve a long term water issue for Mountain Home AFB.
Our strategy of constant presence and support rather than only "cranking up" for BRAC has been very successful in protecting Mountain Home AFB and helping it develop into one of the premiere fighter bases in the U.S. over the years.
If you're interested in joining in our effort contact me or the Chamber of Commerce and join us in supporting Southwest Idaho's almost one billion dollar economic impact, Mountain Home AFB.
We invite you to be a member of Mountain Home's Military Affairs Committee.
Dave Bergh
Military Affairs Committee