Otter has taken a left turn; Fulcher is best for Idaho
Dear editor:
Is Otter running from Idaho and for D.C.? It appears Butch has taken a left turn, while the state Republican Party went right.
I recall when the party voted overwhelmingly against the state insurance exchange. Otter rallied a "gang" of 16 freshman legislators to push it through.
With that and Obamacare's ugly stepchild, Common Core, he effectively sold Idaho control to the federal government. Lt. Gov. Brad Little, has become much more visible as of late, and is looking "Otterish" in dress and demeanor. I believe Butch has an eye on a cabinet position, leaving Brad Little to step up as governor.
Personally, I like Butch and Brad, but clearly, the Otter priorities have gone federal, and I have seen nothing to convince me that Brad Little would be more than a lackluster governor.
Russ Fulcher, majority caucus chair of the Idaho State Legislature, was overwhelmingly voted "Legislator of the Year" for 2013. Russ is a strong leader, well informed, articulate, with vision and solutions for Idaho. He will not be bought off, nor easily intimidated and he will put Idaho first. This is the man we need to stand up for Idaho and lead in these troubled times.
Rosanna Andersen