Fix, don't scrap health care law
Dear editor:
I recently received a large glossy postcard from Dr. Simpson (Rep. Simpson) informing me that he is determined to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. After over 40 times trying to defeat this issue, I question their intelligence. Yes, there are aspects of the act that I don't agree with but it is a start. Rather than spending time trying to defeat the ACA why don't they try to make it work. Simpson's solution is market-based insurance. Market-based insurance is one of the reasons so many don't have insurance. They can't afford the high price of getting market-based medical care. I believe that the ACA is still market-based because people still have to shop for their insurance. I guess I don't understand what kind of market-based insurance Rep. Simpson is advocating. I believe those who are against the ACA are people who already have military insurance, medicare, or other types of insurance paid for by their employers. To me this is myopic and selfish attitude. The reason is they don't want the government involved because they think that it is socialism. But these same people use other socialist government programs and believe they are entitled to these benefits. To those who are less fortunate the attitude is "I've got mine, to hell with you."
I recently talked to a family that is finally able to afford heath care for the entire family and less than it had cost for just the one person who is employed. This is one reason that instead of defeating the ACA the GOP need to work to improve the care for people they represent.
-- Tom Bennick