RINOs not true Republicans
Dear editor:
Ronald Reagan, a former Democrat, once told a reporter that he'd never left the Democrat Party. "The Democrat Party left ME."
This is now pretty much the attitude of today's Tea Partier toward the GOP, whose RINOs like Boenner, McCain, Christie and others actually believe they can win the White House in 2016 based on the Dems horrible record alone. Without Tea Party support, the Republicans aren't winning anything and don't deserve to.
This so-called "budget-deal" that was just passed was another "90-10 compromise" to Harry Reid. Throughout your normal life, a compromise is usually a 50-50 thing. That has never been the case with this administration and you're a "hostage-taker' and a "bigot' if you insist on it.
Once AGAIN "spending cuts in little increments over the next ten years" but they get what THEY want immediately. This is called "left wing compromise" and by 2016 they're projected to "compromise" the debt to $20-21 trillion.
But the Republicans who supported this bill have now done the unthinkable, something we've all come to expect from Democrats, but never from the right side. The Veterans. They could not find $6 billion, even for the ones coming home amputeed. The cuts hit retired vets as well. They do NOT hit CIVILIAN retired government employees.
But 24 percent of our budget is committed to foreign aid. $914 million for a government study of romance novels. Protecting overseas countries with our military, there's money for THAT. The cost of harboring illegal aliens averages $113 BILLION (that's with a "B") annually.
The Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada got $17.5 million in allocated tax breaks, (how much did YOU pay H&R last year?) $65 million in Hurricane Sandy funds was spent on tourist advertising. Uncle Sam paid some "experts $566,000 to define the future of STAMPS.
Remember "Major Hasan, the Fort Hood Muslim?" Well, because we don't call things what they actually ARE anymore, his act of TERRORISM was reduced to a "workplace incident," and he was paid $278,000 in salary all this time. Know what his VICTIMS have received? ZIP.
There was $1.9 million to offer life advice to senate staffers and convicted Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. $45,000 up front and a monthly government disability pay of $8,700 for "mood disorder."
But the veterans? Are you kidding? And who'd have ever thought betrayal would come from the right? Problem IS, our military, the ones who have the patriotism and guts to fight and die so the rest don't have to, they do NOT have any UNIONS to march, picket, protest and back them. They're stuck, yet we never hesitate to call THEM when there's some blood to be spilled somewhere.
Yet these politicians continue to get re-elected. Its disgraceful. No, government fraud, waste and abuse DIDN'T START with Obama. But it didn't STOP there either, and as I recall the 2008 campaign, this was not going to be "business as usual" if he got elected. For once, he actually told the truth. Things aren't as usual. They're worse, much worse.
As for sellouts like Boehner and all of his RINO komrades, I'll paraphrase the "annointed one," "If you like your Senator or Congressman, you can keep him." Personally, I feel that if these "Republicans" who supported this atrocity had the slightest sense of decency, they'd take the flag pins OFF their lapels, replace them with hammer and sickle badges, and just walk an across the political aisle and join Prince Harry, because the only Americans left are the ones who support our founders, and "John B", you'd better remember that, pal. Without hard right support, you might as well hand Hillary the keys to the front door right now.
Oh by the way I wouldn't nominate Christie, Ryan, or any other surrogate Democrat either in 2016.
And this Christmas folks, don't just give your kids and grandkids presents. Take a good, hard honest ook at THEM while they're innocently eating dessert after Christmas dinner. They didn't ask to be brought into this world, and should not have to pay for our arrogance, our ignorance, and our stupid stubborn pride. Every time we "party slaves" go to the polls to vote, our kids ride on our shoulders.
Mike Bradbury