The government should not be our mommy, daddy
Dear editor:
How often in your life have you been instructed to never sign ANYTHING without reading it first? How often? If you're an old flightline type, would you sign off a preflight on a "hanger queen?" THIS administration DID, and will pay for it.
Obama is naturally blaming the Republicans now, and Oprah's playing the race card. It's all they have left as their socialist program crumbles all around them.
A trillion dollar mess, over 2,000 pages that nobody read and now they're blaming US again. In five years they've done nothing, fixed nothing, and scandal after scandal they KNOW nothing, just like Sgt. Schultz at Stalag 13. There are 39 Congressional Democrats up for re-election next year who'd better know SOMETHING when they return home to explain it to their voters.
Tragically, the only ones who tried to stop this stupidity, are those "dirty no good Tea Partying radical NAZIs, those right wing trouble makers bent upon throwing granny off the cliff." The only ones with the fortitude to shove their own political party aside for the good of the country.
Sadly, most citizens do not see (or choose not to) the real danger in front of us. I'd venture a guess that most of you reading this right now do not see what's behind the curtain.
The main reason I'm a loyal Tea Partier is that I'm a loyal American, and I cherish all that our founders did to give us what we are so willing to give away now. Our founders fought the first American Revolution to get rid of what the liberals are so eager to accept today.
The government is not our "mommy and daddy," but that's their ultimate intention. Total dependence and obedience to a nanny state. Where you choose to live, what you choose to eat or drink, what kind of car you choose to drive, and what insurance if any, you want or can afford, should be YOUR choice, not some bureaucrats.
Mandates and threats do not exemplify a supposedly "free country." It is no secret around town that even as a hardcore conservative, I support Pro-Choice along with the Dems. I've been criticized by "fellow Republicans" over that, but I personally oppose free choice being taken away, and the right to be sound or silly, drunk or sober, as our founders fought for, creating this Republic to begin with. If you aren't out there creating mayhem, what you do is YOUR business, not Uncle Sam's.
After we were free of the British crown, we fought a Civil War nearly a century later and we freed the slaves as well. Bewilderingly, 150 years later, at least half this country seems totally WILLING to just self-impose themselves right back INTO slavery by giving up his own freedoms step by step, as little by little we just give "the man" eventual control of every facet of our lives.
Every time a new "law or regulation" gets slipped past us unchallenged, and unquestioned, another freedom, right or "choice" gets stripped away. There are so many "crisis situations" following each other, not much attention gets paid to each one, so a LOT of things go un-noticed. Most of you don't see it. Or choose not to.
Any government big enough to "give" you everything you want, is usually big enough to take everything you have. Each time this president skirts around Congress, covers up a traitor, ignores everything except his own agenda, yet still gets re-elected, it only serves as an empowerment precedence for himself and whoever follows him.
Even more of a wakeup call, it's a lot easier to PASS laws than it is to revoke them. And it really does go back to basics. Whether an auto repair estimate, a building contract or a national healthcare law. You never sign ANYTHING you don't understand. When the ones who work for YOU, sell you down the river, and YOU the "employee' (voter) don't do anything about it, the "Stupidity Scarf" hangs around YOUR neck. Nowhere else.
This is HUGE. The right has warned the left about this since 2009, but were omitted and dismissed. This is a Democrat Theater Production and it's not our job to help you fix something our voters never wanted in the first place. The Tea Parties tried to stop it from happening. Y'all knew better. So be it.
What's happening right now is NOT the fault of the right, it is not the fault of the Tea Party, heck, you can't even blame Bush for it anymore.
Dems traditionally cannot and will not see their "representatives" for who and what they are. Always easier to "blame the other guy" while they "buy" more voters with food stamps, promises of amnesty, foreign aid, and all the rest of the "free stuff" the taxpayers have to foot the bill for.
When support and loyalty has to be BOUGHT, our grandkids are going to be slaves. If we don't beat them to it.
Oh, before I forget, about the website that Jay Carney and friends all say is the real problem? Didn't I read someplace that CGI is a CANADIAN company? And isn't it the DEMS that are always making all that noise about "outsourcing?"
For the record Jay, it's not the website. It's this MANDATED BILL that Pelosi needed to be passed so "we could all find out what's IN it!"
Well, Nancy?
But the evil bottom line is that it's all about eventual TOTAL CONTROL. But few will see it until its too late.
-- Mike Bradbury