Urquidi, Schroeder win in Mountain Home; Wills is new Glenns Ferry mayor, Stephenson wins but tie for second council seat

Richard Urquidi won re-election to his city council seat and Geoff Schroeder was returned to the council while incumbent Alain Isaac went down to defeat in Tuesday's city council elections in Mountain Home.
In light voting, Urquidi received 543 votes while Schroeder earned 479 and Isaac received 347 votes. The top two vote-getters in the at-large election were elected.
In Glenns Ferry, in relatively heavy voting, Connie Wills handily won election as mayor with 251 votes. Marvin Drewrey received 24 votes and there were 18 votes reported for write-in candidate John Isenhart, but two were invalid.
After that, it was less certain. While Larry Stevenson was elected to the city council with 176 votes, the second seat in the at-large election had Joyce Ashton and Robert Janousek in a dead tie with 130 votes each. In fourth- and fifth-place were Charlie Winter with 105 votes and Ralph Jones with 27 votes.
The tie will be broken by a coin toss at a time and date to be determined.
Results won't be official until a final canvas of the ballots by the county commissioners next Tuesday.