Chamber supports Common Core

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce has announced its support for the Idaho Core Standards, which raises the bar for what students learn in math and English.

"The standards help students prepare for the rigors of a post-secondary education," the Chamber said in a prepared statement.

Robby Robinson, the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce president, noted that "these math and English standards are very important to helping our students prepare for their lives and careers after graduation from high school.

"As one of our Chamber of Commerce board members said, supporting the Idaho Core Standards is 'a no brainer' because they support our students. We believe these standards are particularly important to our state's military families, particularly those that move into and out of our state as part of their military assignments," Robinson said.

"The standards will help ensure these students can easily transition into and out of our Idaho schools. As business owners and managers, and as parents and grandparents, the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce is committed to helping Mountain Home and Idaho students meet their maximum learning potential."

Idaho Business for Education President Rod Gramer added that "we are pleased that the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce is joining our coalition to support the successful implementation of the Idaho Core Standards. Their support shows that Idaho parents and educators from all across the state and from diverse backgrounds believe these standards will help our young people become successful academically, professionally and in life."

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  • Beware of Common core... the idea is good and it sounds wonderful however, the administration and evaluation leave much to be desired. Local control of education is better. State standards are the maximum I can support. Not all students are alike, learn alike, or mature at the same rate, boys vs girls, some are gifted and some are a little behind, ... Reading and Math sound reasonable but how about history? or social studies... Who approves the text books in these subjects and who makes the standardized test?

    Military who move around often should have their children proficiency tested and placed in a grade level suitable for the students achievement. Good students will be held back by common core and poorer students will be left behind. Local folks are going to foot the bill for this and have nothing to say about curriculum. Many states are fighting against this. Look it up on google.

    -- Posted by bob8492 on Thu, Oct 24, 2013, at 1:16 AM
  • I was disappointed to learn that Idaho accepted Common Core. There are too many bad things about this. Better to revert back to earlier teaching methods... reading, writing, math... when our grandparents have a better education than our children do... it is a no brainer to return to what and how education was delivered. One thing that SHOULD be done is that the constitution should be taught so our young people can appreciate just how lucky they are. All things said and done, common core will dumb down the children - but maybe that is the plan.

    -- Posted by typ4dox on Thu, Oct 24, 2013, at 11:01 AM
  • *

    A simplified and funny explanation of what Common Core is about.

    -- Posted by Darksc8p on Sun, Oct 27, 2013, at 2:07 PM
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