Free fishing day set for Saturday

Idaho's Free Fishing Day is this Saturday.
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game invites veteran and novice anglers of all ages, residents and nonresidents alike, to celebrate the day by fishing anywhere in Idaho without a license.
Though fishing license requirements are suspended for this special day, all other rules, such as limits or tackle restrictions, remain in effect.
"Free fishing day provides a great opportunity for novices to give fishing a try and perhaps develop it into a life-long pursuit," Fish and Game regional fish manager Joe Kozfkay said. "Parents are encouraged to bring their children out for a day of fun fishing excitement."
Although people can fish anywhere it is legal to do so, Fish and Game has a number of organized events scattered across the state, including one at the Legacy Park pond from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Mountain Home F&G Reservists and MHAFB volunteers from the First Sergeants Associatin will be on hand to teach fishing techniques, bait a pole if needed, and even provide the tackle if necessary. The Reservists have a collection of about "lender" 100 fishing poles for people who need them, and they also will provide bait.
About 200-300 trout, averaging ten inches in length, have been stocked by Fish and Game this week at the Legacy Park pond, which normally is open only to children.
Although the Legacy Park pond "is really designed for kids," a spokesperson noted, on Free Fishing Day, that restriction will be lifted.
"We have a lot of GI wives in this area," said Reservist Brad Seymour, as an example. "Last year we had a pair of women that we found out had never fished in their lives. We got them some tackle and bait, and when they caught a fish they were pretty excited."
Lack of fishing experience is no excuse not to take advantage of the day, Fish and Game officials said.
"Look for the event nearest you and 'Take a Kid Fishing'," they added.