Why do we house a murderer?
Dear editor:
I read the news story about that bad guy Lopez-Orozco that gets three life terms for the murder of a women and her two young sons.
Because Mexico does not believe in the death penalty, we, the American taxpayers, have to feed and clothe him for the rest of his life. I hope we make him work to pay for his room and board. But they probably will let him sit in jail instead of earning his keep. If Mexico does not believe in the death penalty then they should have kept him in their jail and fed and clothed him for the rest of his life. I bet they do not let their prisoners sit in jail, they make them work. We are the only ones who give them free room and board.
Years ago, our prisoners used to work building roads on chain gangs but I think they do not do that anymore. I called the Elmore County jail and they said they do not make them work on chain gangs.
Just sitting in jail is not a good enough punishment for murder. If someone takes a life he should pay for it by the death penalty. But the laws protect these low lifes with so much red tape that it takes years of sitting in jail before they can be put to death. That probably costs the taxpayers more money than keeping them in jail. They should just put anyone that kills another person on purpose to give his own life to atone for the life be took.
Jesus Christ gave his life to atone for all of us IF we repent of our sins and sin no more. Jesus Christ was without sin but He gave his life for us. A person that murders innocent people like this Jorge Lopez-Orozco should be put to death right away, not just be put in jail with free room and board and medical care.
Many a homeless person does not get that so they do a crime so they can get free room and board in jail. There is much wrong in our system. Homeless veterans are on the streets hungry and criminals are in jail with free room and board as well as free medical care. They need to change this. It is an outrage.
-- Barbara J. Larson