Reader offers praise for good citizen
Dear editor:
A couple weeks ago during the big winter storm, we came home to find our heavy duty mailbox that we built had been hit by someone with their car, due to the icy road conditions.
Frustrated and thinking we would be putting out a bunch more money for repairs, we were surprised the next day to see someone had started making repairs on the pole and two mailboxes. Another day later, the post had been totally refurbished and a new mailbox replaced one of the two on the pole that needed to be replaced.
I have yet to meet this person, who I now know to be Mr. Logan Laing. Mr. Laing could have easily put his car in gear and never looked back after hitting our mailbox, but he chose to do the right thing, and with no fanfare. Thank you, Mr. Laing, for your display of honesty and integrity and for displaying the example we should follow in being a great neighbor and citizen.
-- Allen and Michelle Niksich