Board should go first
Dear editor:
You printed an insightful letter on creating a dialog concerning the training and arming of school employees. I heartily agree with the need for a community wide discussion on so grave a subject. However, I believe that all submissions should only be in considered, if they are in writing.
Kelly, as you well know, it takes far more intelligence, and consideration, to create enlightenment with the written word, versus a bellicose verbal rant.
Before any teacher is considered for the horrendous responsibility of killing an individual in the protection of others, I believe every member of the school board should lead from the front. They all should submit themselves to the rigorous background and psychological checks, as well as the combat shooting courses required to fully comprehend the reality of such a decision.
Additionally, to ensure their empathy, I believe they all should actually "pull the duty" and all take up security rotations in the schools, on a daily basis, for a school year. We wouldn't have to pay them anything extra, because either the county or the school board would voluntarily pick up the costs of the background checks, and all the training. And their dedication to the community, the teachers and students would be compensation enough for their efforts.
At the end of the year, the parents, or PTA, could evaluate their accomplishments and determine if they wanted to go forward with an expanded program of arming others. You should never require anything of others that you are incapable of, or unwilling to do yourself.
-- Hank Franklin